ReviveFM is a community radio station based in the heart of Newham (London, UK). The ReviveFM team has been serving the community for over twenty years in various capacities and have now come together to deliver this new and exciting initiative. Having successfully broadcasted online since 2014 we have built a massive following achieving millions of hits on Facebook over the years. Through this community-led project, ReviveFM is at the forefront of bringing the diverse communities residing in Newham and its surrounding borough together providing a true sense of community cohesion.
ReviveFM provides an alternative to mainstream media by bridging the gap between marginalised communities by providing local residents with the opportunity to take part in live discussions voicing their opinions and talk about issues that affect their lives. ReviveFM is a platform for the local community, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or culture to come together and share their experiences and thoughts through dialogue and discussion in a safe and productive environment.
We aim to provide an array of opportunities to local residents from media training courses to apprenticeship programs. Working in partnership with other organisations, we regularly hold workshops on serious issues affecting our community such as knife crime, gang culture and domestic violence. It is our aim to empower our community helping them integrate into society so that can contribute towards making positive change.
How you can help
Support for local campaigns and awareness.